Millcreek Promise: Letters to Veterans

Letters to Veterans

Goal: 200 Letters Written



Service Project: Letters to Veterans

There are many veterans in our community who have sacrificed everything to protect our freedoms and serve our country. Ofttimes, that service is either unacknowledged or under appreciated. At Canyon Rim Cares 2024, volunteers will write letters to Millcreek-area veterans to express appreciation for their service.

No Donations of Goods Needed for Project


About Millcreek City’s Promise Program

The Millcreek Promise mission is to mobilize and support Millcreek residents to build community, bridge divides, and lift all boats.

Millcreek Promise will achieve its mission through mobilizing stakeholders to make a collective impact and to improve the community in the areas of safety, health, education, and economic wellbeing. The Millcreek Promise Program will support current programs, create programs and services where there are gaps, and provide resources for residents.

The Promise Program seeks to achieve three promises:

  1. Education: All Millcreek youth have the support to maximize academic success on their path to high school graduation and post-secondary education.
  2. Health & Safety: All Millcreek residents have access to health and safety services and resources.
  3. Economic Well-Being: All Millcreek residents have the opportunities to provide a high quality of life for themselves and their families.



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