Jordan River Commission: River Parkway Clean-up Kits

Parkway Clean-up Kits

Goal: 500 Kits

Service Project: Parkway Clean-up Kits

The Jordan River Parkway is a tremendous resource in Salt Lake County. It is used by thousands of people recreating and serves as a nature preserve for indigenous wildlife. There are areas of the parkway that are being defaced with litter. Help create kits to be used at various events throughout the Get to the River Festival in September to clean up the parkway, including the ribbon-cutting event for the Millcreek trailhead on September 28.

No Donations Needed for Project

*All donations are tax deductible


About Jordan River Commission

The Jordan River Commission’s mission is to serve as a technical resource and forum for coordination of planning, restoration, and responsible development along the Jordan River corridor. We also strive to educate the public through river centered events and volunteer opportunities. The Commission is composed of a mix of governmental and non-governmental members working together to enhance, preserve, protect, and responsibly develop the river corridor.



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