Maliheh Free Clinic: Snacks for Medical Volunteers

Treats for Medical Volunteers

Goal: Year Worth of Treats

Service Project: Treats for Medical Volunteers

Meliheh Free Clinic is staffed with a small army of medical professionals and students who volunteer their time to provide low-income individuals with primary medical care. Canyon Rim Cares donations will supply these volunteers with snacks to last through the year as a totken of appreciation for the service they provide.

Donations Needed for Project

  • Snack Nuts
  • Granola Bars
  • Breakfast Bars
  • Single-serve Chips
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Goldfish Crackers
  • Cookie Snack Packs
  • Trail Mix

All donated snacks should be indivudally packaged.

*All donations are tax deductible


About Maliheh Free Clinic

The mission of the Maliheh Free Clinic is to provide free, same-day access to high quality urgent medical care for all qualified patients. The Maliheh Free Clinic was founded with the sole purpose to rescue those members of our community who are in the most critical need of our help.



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