The Road Home: Move-out Kits

Shelter Guest Move-out Kits

Goal: 200 Kits

Service Project: Shelter Guest Move-out Kits

Guests of The Road Home have experienced
periods of homelessness. As these guests leave the shelter for more permanent housing, they lack many household supplies. Volunteers at Canyon Rim Cares will create move-out kits to provide some of the basic household cleaning and sanitation items to help them settle into their new digs.

Donations Needed for Project

  • Dish Soap
  • Hand Soap
  • Sponge/Wash Cloth
  • Dish Towels
  • Can Openers
  • Disinfectant Spray
  • Paper Towels
  • Laundry Detergent (Powder)

*All donations are tax deductible


About The Road Home

The Road Home is a private nonprofit social services agency that assists individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County and along the Wasatch Front



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