WIC: New Mother Kits

New Mother Kits

Goal: 100 Kits

Service Project: New Mother Kits

WIC serves over 3,000 low-income families who need assistance following the birth of a child. Donate any of the items below create a new-mother kit to be donated to a mother who has just given birth to her child.

Items to Donation for Project

  • Receiving Blanket
  • Nursing Pads
  • Baby Formula
  • Diapers
  • Wal Mart/Target Gift Cards
  • New Children’s Books
  • Women’s Make-up Kit
  • Women’s Hair Brush

*All donations are tax deductible


About WIC

Women, Infants, Children program is a nutrition program that helps families with healthy eating through nutrition education, providing nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and help accessing health care. These services are provided to pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program, popularly known as WIC.



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