Donate To Support Canyon Rim

Canyon Rim Cares Title Sponsorship


As the title sponsor of the Canyon Rim Cares Service Weekend, you’ll engage with your customers in unique and salient ways that other advertising cannot deliver. You go beyond a typical vendor/consumer relationship and become a trusted partner.

1 in stock

SKU: 202006 Category:


The Canyon Rim Cares Title Sponsor Receives The Following Benefits

Includes the name of your business in all references and promotional materials.

Your logo is in the primary placement on all promotional material.

3-minute remarks during Day of Service program.

Primary placement on web site and mentions in social media promotional posts.

You are the subject of a podcast interview prior to the Service Weekend.

Logo on all name tags distributed to volunteers.

Primary sponsorship placement of one of the service projects.

Set up an exhibit booth at Venture Out and the Day of Service events.

Canyon Rim is Community is Made Possible By Generous Support From